UNO Flip is a card game by Mattel that offers two decks of cards (light and dark side cards) for the classic game UNO. In UNO Flip, players attempt to discard all their cards by matching colors or numbers on a deck that has two sides: a “light” side and a “dark” side. The game begins on the light side, but when a player plays a flip card, the entire deck and all cards in play are shifted over to the dark side.

On the dark side, there are different action cards with more severe penalties, such as Draw Five and Skip Everyone. The rules of the dark side cards must be followed until another player plays a flip card, which will return play to the light side. The round concludes when a player successfully discards all their cards. The uno flip deck consist of 112 cards of 81 standard Uno cards 27 Flip cards and 4 blank cards.
UNO Flip Rules
To play uno flip, players must match the color or symbol of the previous card played by them. The game starts by playing cards, and the player left of the dealer starts the game and play continues to the left side until a player is out of cards or left no cards in his hands, and the first player who get ride of all of his cards in his hand win the game.

- Uno Flip is a fun version of the classic Uno card game. We played it with two decks of cards, one with a light side and the other with a dark side.
- The Light Side cards have blue, green, yellow, and red cards and slightly different Action cards compared to regular Uno. There are also flip cards in each of the 4 colors to execute and trigger flipping over to the other side.
- The Dark Side consists of pink/teal/purple/orange cards and Draw Five cards, Wild Draw Color cards, and Flip cards and the Draw Five cards require the drawing of 5 cards!
How to Play UNO Flip
To play the game, select the dealer to shuffle the cards correctly and when the dealer shuffles all the cards correctly and distributes 7 cards to each player and he places all the remaining cards face down on the table in centre to form the draw pile. Always make sure all the cards are facing one way, whether the Dark or Light Side, depending on what side is in play at the moment; however, gameplay always begins on the Light Side.
- The player with the highest number (Action cards count as zero) becomes the dealer. Since gameplay begins with the Light Side, hold the cards with the Light Side facing you while the outer Dark Side faces everyone else.
- We place the deck down with the Light Side facing down (unseen) while the Dark Side facing up. This is the Draw pile. We then turn up the top card on the Draw pile and place it down to form a separate Discard pile. This first card will have its Light side facing up so everyone can see what it is.
- The player to the dealer’s left usually begins first, and play goes clockwise until changed by a Reverse card.
- Begin by matching the top most card on the Discard pile with a number, color, or symbol (Action cards) according to the side it is on (Light or Dark side).
- And the play continues from dealers left side to next move on and all players draw cards by matching them and If any player cannot match any card from his hand with those on top of either pile, you must draw one card from either pile. If you can play that card, great! If not, your turn ends.
- You must say “Uno” out loudly when you have only one card is left in your hand. And if any player forgot to yell UNO then he must draw two more cards from either pile as a panelty and the turns contines until any player draw all of his cards and say UNO and he wins the round and the secondly the last player who is not able to draw all of his cards loses the game.
Uno Flip Scoring Points are 500 score points, the calculation of points is done by getting ball the remaining card from players when a round windps up. The, add all the point from the rounds untill game reaches 500 points, the person who get 500 points first decided as the winner and the play starts from the beginning.
Uno Flip Points
- Number cards: Face value as the card number is
- Draw One Card: 10 points
- Draw Five, Reverse, Skip, and Flip Cards: 20 points
- Skip Everyone: 30 points
- Wild: 40 points
- Wild Draw Two: 50 points
- Wild Draw Color: 60 points
Uno Flip Cards
The uno flip deck is consist of two types of cards dark side and light side cards with 112 cards in totall in both types of colors, these cards has numbers on them, wld cards, flip cards, skip cards, reverse cards all in 4 colors. The next are the explanation uno flip cards with their uses in gameplay.

Light Side Cards in Uno flip
- Numbered cards – 18 of each color (blue, green, red, and yellow) numbered 1 to 9
- Draw One card – 8 cards that force the next player to draw 1 card
- Reverse cards – 8 cards that reverse the direction of play
- Skip cards – 8 cards that allow the current player to skip the next player’s turn
- Flip cards – 8 cards that initially function like another action card but then flip to the opposite effect
- Wild cards – 4 cards that let the player choose the next color in play
- Wild Draw Two cards – 4 cards that let the player change color and make the next player draw 2 cards
Dark Side Cards in Uno flip
- Numbered cards – 18 of each color (pink, teal, orange, and purple) numbered 1 to 9
- Draw Five cards – 8 cards that force the next player to draw 5 cards
- Reverse cards – 8 cards that reverse the direction of play
- Skip Everyone cards – 8 cards that make every other player except the current player skip their turn
- Flip cards – 8 cards that flip the effects of all other cards in play
- Wild cards – 4 cards that let the player choose the next color in play
- Wild Draw Color cards – 4 cards that let the player change color and make each other player draw a card of that color
Uno Flip Light Side Cards

Numbered Cards
The number cards in uno flip function as the same as in standard Uno. Players match them by number on the Discard Pile to play a card on their turn.
Draw One Cards
The +2 cards force the next player (forces the challenged player to draw the cards) to draw 1 card from the Draw Pile after taking their turn as usual. The penalty is minor, only slightly disrupting the player’s hand.
Reverse Cards
The rverse cards change the direction of play, making players go in the opposite order for reverse turns. the players immediately before and after the reversing player are mildly impacted, having to adjust to the reversed turn order.
Skip Cards
Allow the current player to skip the next player in turn order, passing their turn. The skipped player only misses one turn, a relatively minor penalty.
Flip Cards
Initially appears to match and function like a regular action card when first viewed (Reverse, Skip, Draw, and Wild). Once laid down, the flip card instantly “flips over” to reveal its Dark Side effect, reversing its function and impact. Before flipping, flip cards tend to provide a valuable but minor benefit to the current player while mildly affecting the next player.
Wild Cards
Let the current player choose the next color to continue playing, benefiting that player. No direct penalties are imposed on other players for the color change.
Wild Draw Two Card
Combine the ability to select a new color with a minor penalty, forcing the next player to draw 2 cards after taking their turn.
Uno Flip Dark Side Cards

Numbered Cards
The number cards functions like on the Light Side, matching the number on the Discard Pile to play a card.
Draw Five Cards
Force the next player (in turn order) to draw 5 cards from the Draw Pile after taking their turn, a significant penalty.
Reverse Cards
Function as the same as on the Light Side, changing the direction of play. However, the more considerable draw penalties on the Dark Side make reversed turns more punishing.
Skip Everyone Cards
Allow the current player to skip every other player except themselves, a more severe version of Light Side Skip cards.
Flip Cards
On the Dark Side, flip cards retain their reversed function after being played until another flip card is laid down.
Wild Cards
Function as the same as on the Light Side, letting the current player choose the next color to continue play.
Wild Draw Color
Combine the Wild card ability with a draw penalty, forcing each player to draw 1 card of the selected color after their turn.
Uno flip Stacking Rules
In standard Uno, only one card can be played on a player’s turn except few versions of uno where we have multiple discard piles like triple play version of uno. But in Uno flip the stacking multiple cards is not allowed.
Uno Flip is a variation of Uno card game that adds excitement with flip cards that instantly reverse. Light Side rules resemble Uno with minor strategic disruption. But Dark Side rules impose heavier penalties through longer periods of reversed gameplay, larger draws impacting more players. Stacking after a Wild Draw Color or Flip card allows maximum disruption plays not possible in Uno.
Uno Variations
- Uno Finding Dory
- UNO No Mercy
- Uno Disney Pixar
- Uno LightYear
- Uno Wild Cards
- Disney Cars Uno
- Dirty Uno and Spicy Uno
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What are the basic rules for Uno flip?
The basic rules are similar to Uno on the Light Side but penalties are heavier on the Dark Side. Flip cards instantly reverse once played, remaining reversed until another Flip card.
What are the special cards in Uno flip?
Special cards include Wild cards, Wild Draw cards, Skip/Skip Everyone cards, Reverse cards, Draw/Draw Five cards and Flip cards.
How many cards are in Uno flip?
The Uno Flip deck contains 108 cards where 81 standard Uno cards and 27 Flip cards.
What are flip cards?
Uno flip cards initially appear to function like regular action cards when first viewed, but once laid down they instantly “flip over” to reveal the opposite effect.
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