The Smart Ass Board Game Rules and Cards

Smart Ass board game is an engaging and fast-paced trivia party game designed for 2–6 players aged 12 and up. Developed by University Games, it is a portable version of the popular board game of the same name. In Smart Ass, players compete to guess the identity of a mystery person, place, or thing by answering questions with eight clues.

Smart Ass Board Game
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The first player to yell out the correct answer wins the round and moves closer to being the “Smart Ass.”. The game sets out to figure out who is the smartest among friends and family, making it a perfect addition to any social gathering.

Smart Ass Components

The game includes a game board, 6 playing pieces and stands, 411 question cards, a jumbo category dies, a jumbo movement dies, and instructions. The question cards are divided into four categories: “What Am I?”, “Where Am I?”, “Who Am I?”, and “Hard Ass.”.

Smart Ass Board Game Rules

The rules to play Smartass are simple: the oldest player starts as the reader and rolls the category die to select a category card. The selected category determines which question card to draw. The reader then reads the clues on the card one by one, and any player can shout out an answer at any time, with each player having only one attempt per card.

Smart Ass Board Game Rules
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The players who answer correctly move their playing piece forward, and the number of spaces rolled on the movement dies. If no member properly answers, the reader rolls the movement die.

A player landing on a specific space on the board can result in various effects, such as preventing a player from answering a question in the next round, moving a player back three spaces, or providing a bonus trivia question.

How to Play Smart Ass Board Game

To set up the game, place each deck of question cards in its designated spot on the game board. After that, every player then sets up a plastic stand, inserts a playing piece, and places it on the start space. The oldest player becomes the first reader and asks the first question.

How to Play Smart Ass Board Game
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Deciding a Category

The reader then rolls the category die to select a category, and the color of the die determines which category card to draw. Any player can call out an answer at any time, but each player only gets one try per card. If a player answers correctly, they roll the movement die and move their playing piece forward the number of spaces rolled.

Playing Turns

In Smart Ass, the players move forward on the board by answering questions in four categories: Who am I?, Where am I?, What am I?, and Hard Ass! However, players can also land on Dumb Ass spaces or Hard Ass spaces. The dumb ass spaces make them miss a turn, and the hard ass spaces give them a bonus question. 


As the game progresses, players take turns reading and answering questions, aiming to be the first to reach the end of the board and become the ultimate “Smart Ass.” When the game ends and there is a tie, the reader selects a tie-breaking question from the “Hard Ass” category, and the first player to answer it correctly wins the round. 


What is smart ass card game?

Smart Ass is a trivia party game in which players compete to guess the identity of a mystery person, place, or thing by answering questions with eight clues. The first player to yell out the correct answer wins the round and moves closer to being the “Smart Ass.”.

How do you play the board game Smartass?

To play the board game Smart Ass, set up the game by placing each deck of question cards in its designated spot on the game board. The goal is to be the first player to reach the end of the board and become the ultimate smart ass.

How to win smart ass board game?

To win the Smart Ass board game, the goal is to be the first player to reach the end of the board and become the ultimate Smart Ass. Players move closer to winning by answering questions with the correct answers and advancing their playing pieces accordingly.

Is Smartass a good game?

Smart Ass is a popular game, and many players find it to be an entertaining and enjoyable experience. This is a fast-paced trivia party game that is perfect for family or social gatherings. The game is designed to determine who is the smartest among friends and family, and some say that the rules are straightforward, and the game is quick to set up.

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