Asshole Drinking Game (also known as President) is a popular card game between 2 to 6 players. The objective of asshole card game is is to get rid of all cards before your opponents e does, while being able to control how much alcohol each player has to drink. It also known as President, Scum, or Capitalism, this game is easy to learn and can provide hours of entertainment. In this article, we will see the rules of Asshole and the different types of cards used in the game.
Asshole Rules
Asshole is a shedding-type card game, meaning the goal is to get rid of all your cards before your opponents. This game is typically played with a standard deck of 52 cards, but it can also be played with multiple decks for larger groups. Here are the asshole game rules and indtructions:

Setting Up the Game
To start the game, the deck is shuffled and dealt out to all players. The number of cards dealt to each player depends on the number of players in the game:
- 2 players: 10 cards each
- 3 players: 7 cards each
- 4 players: 6 cards each
- 5 or more players: 5 cards each
-->The remaining cards are placed in the center of the table to form the draw pile. The top card of the draw pile is flipped over to start the discard pile.
How To Play Asshole Card Game
The player to the left of the dealer goes first and play continues clockwise. On their turn, a player must play a card or set of cards that is equal or higher in value than the top card on the discard pile. For example, if the top card is a 7, the player must play a 7 or higher.
If a player cannot or chooses not to play a card, they must pass and pick up the entire discard pile. The player who picks up the discard pile then starts the next round by playing any card or set of cards they choose.
Types of Cards in Asshole
Now that you know the basic rules of Asshole, let’s take a closer look at the different types of cards used in the game.
Number Cards
Number cards are the most common type of card in Asshole. They range from 2 to 10 and can be played on any card of the same value or higher. For example, a 5 can be played on a 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
Face Cards
Face cards include Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Aces. They can be played on any card of the same value or higher, with Aces b
Special Cards
There are a few special cards in Asshole that can change the course of the game:
2s are the highest cards in the game and can be played on any card or set of cards. When a 2 is played, the next player must play a higher 2 or pass. If a player cannot play a higher 2, they must pick up the discard pile.
3s are the second-highest cards in the game and can be played on any card or set of cards except 2s. When a 3 is played, the next player must play a higher 3 or pass. If a player cannot play a higher 3, they must pick up the discard pile.
4s are the third-highest cards in the game and can be played on any card or set of cards except 2s and 3s. When a 4 is played, the next player must play a higher 4 or pass. If a player cannot play a higher 4, they must pick up the discard pile.
Jokers are wild cards and can be played on any card or set of cards. When a Joker is played, the next player must play a higher Joker or pass. If a player cannot play a higher Joker, they must pick up the discard pile.
.Asshole Card Game Rules
This is a fun and simple card game that can be played with 3 or more players. You will need one or more decks of cards, depending on the number of players. A good rule of thumb is to use one deck for every 5 players. The goal of the game is to get rid of all your cards before anyone else.

How to Play Asshole Card Game
- Shuffle the cards and deal them evenly among the players. Some players may have more cards than others, but that’s okay.
- The player with the 3 of clubs starts the game by playing it, along with any other 3s they have.
- The next player clockwise must play a card or a set of cards that is equal or higher in value than the previous play. For example, if the first player played a single 3, the next player can play any single card from 4 to Ace, or any pair. If the first player played a pair of 3s, the next player can play any higher pair, or any three of a kind.
- If you don’t have any cards that can beat the previous play, or you don’t want to play them, you can pass and take a drink. You can also pass voluntarily to save your cards for later.
- If you play the same card or set of cards as the previous player, you skip the next player and make them drink.
- The suits of the cards don’t matter, only the values.
- If you play four of a kind, or four cards of the same value in a row, you clear the pile and start a new round. This is called a social, and everyone has to drink.
- If everyone passes after you play, you also clear the pile and start a new round. If you have no cards left, you are out of the game and you become the President for the next game.
- The game continues until only one player has cards left. This player is the loser and becomes the Asshole for the next game.
Cheating and Penalties
- You can try to cheat by playing cards that don’t match the value you claim, but be careful. If another player catches you, you have to finish your drink and take a penalty card from the pile.
- If you accuse someone of cheating and they are not, you have to finish your drink and take a penalty card from the pile.
Winning the Game
The first player to get rid of all their cards is declared the President and the last player to get rid of their cards is declared the Asshole. The President gets to make a rule for the next round, and the Asshole must give their two best cards to the President.
The game continues with the President starting each round and the Asshole picking up the discard pile. The goal is to become the President in the next round and avoid being the Asshole again.
Asshole Drinking Game Rules
The objective of the Asshole drinking game is to quickly eliminate all the cards in your hand, strategically playing higher-ranked hands while avoiding lower-ranked ones. The last player left with cards in hand is designated as “The Asshole” and is given a penalty. Here are the rules for the Asshole drinking game:
- Players sit in a circle and all cards (except Jokers) are dealt out, one at a time, around the circle until they are gone. Each player may have a different number of cards.
- The game requires at least 3 players. Multiple decks can be used for larger groups, with a general guideline of one deck for 3-5 players, two decks for 6-10 players, and so on.
- Turns are taken clockwise around the circle. The player who starts the round is known as the “leader.”
- To take your turn, you must play a hand that is equal to or better than the previous player’s hand. The value of the cards is what matters, not the suit.
- If you cannot match or beat the previous player’s cards, you must skip your turn and take a drink. This is known as “passing.”
- As the leader, you can play any hand you want if you are starting the round or playing after the cards have been cleared.
- If you play the same card as the player before you, the next player after you is skipped, and they must take a drink.
- You may voluntarily choose to skip your turn for strategic reasons, but if you do, you must take a drink.
- Different types of hands can beat the previous player’s hand:Playing a card of higher value is always acceptable. If the previous player threw a pair, you must play at least a pair as well.Doubles beat singles.
- If the previous player threw a single card, any pair will beat it. For example, two 4s will beat one Ace.Triples beat doubles. If the previous player threw a pair, three cards of the same value will beat it. For example, three 6s will beat a pair of Kings.
- If four or more cards of the same value are played in order (or all at once), it is called a “social.” The cards are then cleared, and the player who caused the social gets to go again.
- If every player around the circle skips after you play, and it becomes your turn again, the cards are cleared, and you go again. If you are out of cards, the next person leads.
- When a player has played all of their cards, they are out. The game continues with the remaining players until only one person is left, who is declared the “Asshole.”
- Cheating is not forbidden but carries a penalty. If a player is caught cheating, they must chug an entire (12 oz.) beer.
Asshole is a fun and entertaining card game that of all ages ca easily play and enjoy. With its simple presidents and assholes rules and unique card types, it’s a great game to play with friends and family. So gather your deck of cards and get ready to become the President in your next game of Asshole!
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What are the roles in the Asshole?
The roles in the game are President, Vice President, Citizens, and Asshole. They are assigned based on the order of finishing in each round. The first player to get rid of all their cards becomes the President, the second player becomes the Vice President, the third and fourth players become Citizens, and the last player becomes the Asshole. The roles come with different privileges and responsibilities, such as ordering drinks, making rules, dealing cards, and playing first or last.
What are the values of the asshole cards?
The cards are ranked from 3 to Ace, with 2 being the highest special card. The ranking order is as follows: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, and 2. The 2 card can beat any other card and start a new round. The suits of the cards don’t matter, only the values.
How do you cheat in the Asshole Card Game?
You can cheat in the game by playing cards that don’t match the value you claim, but be careful. If another player catches you, you have to finish your drink and take a penalty card from the pile.
What are the penalties for cheating in asshole?
If you accuse someone of cheating and they are not, you have to finish your drink and take a penalty card from the pile. Cheating is not forbidden, but it is risky and can backfire.
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