The Monopoly Empire Rules and Instructions

Monopoly Empire is modern version of Monopoly board game where we buy brands instead of street properties. Each brand is worth an amount of money, which we collect each time you pass Go. In this game, players compete to buy and collect the world’s top brands instead of properties. Each brand is worth an amount of money, which you collect each time you pass Go. The winner is the person who fills their entire tower with brands first!

Monopoly Empire Rules
The Monopoly Empire Rules and Instructions 4

In Monopoly Empire, you can also collect tower tiles, which represent the iconic buildings of the brands featured in the game. Tower tiles are earned by landing on a “Tower” space on the game board or by collecting certain Empire cards. The first player to collect all four tower tiles of a brand can place them on their brand tile, increasing its value by $50 million.

What is Monopoly Empire?

Monopoly Empire is a game where you can buy and own famous brands, such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and Xbox. The game board features 22 brand spaces, each representing a different brand. The game also has 4 tower spaces, where you can earn tower pieces that increase the value of your brands. The game also has Chance and Empire cards, which can help you or hurt your opponents.

Monopoly Empire Instructions

The board game monopoly empire is played with tokens, dice, money, and a tower. Each player has a tower, where they can place their brands and tower pieces. The tower shows how much money you have and how close you are to winning the game. The game is designed for 2 to 4 players, and it takes about 30 minutes to play.


The game also has Chance and Empire cards, which can have a variety of effects, such as giving you money, allowing you to move to a different space, or making you swap brands with another player. Some cards are good for you, and some cards are bad for you.

The game also has some special spaces, such as the “Tower Tax” space, where you have to pay the bank $100 for each tower tile you own, or the “Office” space, where you can buy an office tile for $100 and place it on any brand tile you own, increasing its value by $10 million.

The game is played with tokens, dice, money, and a tower. Each player has a tower, where they can place their brands and tower pieces. The tower shows how much money you have and how close you are to winning the game. The game is designed for 2 to 4 players, and it takes about 30 minutes to play.

Bankruptcy in Monopoly Empire

A player goes bankrupt in Monopoly Empire when they owe more money than they have or can raise by selling or mortgaging their brands. When a player goes bankrupt, they must give all the money, brands, and tower pieces to the player who bankrupted them. If the bank bankrupts a player, their brands and tower pieces are returned to the bank and their money is removed from the game. The game continues until only one player remains.


To play Monopoly Empire, you need the following components and follow the instructions for monopoly empire:

  • A game board with 28 spaces
  • 4 towers with slots for brands and tower pieces
  • 6 tokens in different shapes
  • 22 brand tiles with corresponding values
  • 6 tower tiles with corresponding values
  • 14 Chance cards and 14 Empire cards
  • 2 dice
  • A money tray with $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills
  • An instruction booklet


To set up the game, follow these steps:

  • Place the game board on a flat surface and shuffle the Chance and Empire cards. Place them face down on their designated spaces on the board.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the “Go” space on the game board. The tokens are a motorcycle, a race car, a skateboard, a bottle, a game controller, and a cheeseburger.
  • Each player takes a tower and places it in front of them. The tower has 10 slots for brands and 4 slots for tower pieces. The tower also has a cash meter that shows how much money you have.
  • Each player is given $50 in money, consisting of two $20 bills and one $10 bill. The remaining money is placed in the bank.
  • Each player is given a set of 5 or 6 brand tiles, depending on the number of players. The brand tiles are shuffled and placed face down on the table. Each player draws one brand tile and places it in the lowest slot of their tower.
  • The brand tile shows the name, logo, and value of the brand. The value of the brand is also the rent that other players have to pay when they land on it.
  • The youngest player goes first and rolls the dice. The play proceeds clockwise.

Monopoly Empire Rules

The rules of Monopoly Empire are similar to the original Monopoly, but with some differences. The game is played in turns, with each turn consisting of two phases: the Roll Phase and the Buy Phase.

Monopoly Empire Rules
The Monopoly Empire Rules and Instructions 5

Roll Phase

In the Roll Phase, the player rolls the dice and moves their token the corresponding number of spaces. The player then follows the instructions on the space they landed on. This could include collecting money from the bank, paying rent to another player, drawing a Chance or Empire card, or buying a brand.

Buy Phase

In the Buy Phase, the player has the option to buy the brand they landed on. If they choose not to buy it, the brand goes up for auction and any player can bid on it. The highest bidder wins the brand and pays the bank the amount they bid. If no one bids on the brand, it remains unowned.

Brand Tiles

Brand tiles are the key to winning Monopoly Empire. Each tile represents a brand and has a corresponding value. The more valuable the brand, the more expensive the tile will be.

Players can collect multiple tiles of the same brand to increase its value. For example, if a player has two Coca-Cola tiles, the value of each tile increases by $10 million.

Tower Tiles

Tower tiles are special tiles that represent the iconic buildings of the brands featured in the game. Tower tiles are earned by landing on a “Tower” space on the game board or by collecting certain Empire cards. The first player to collect all four tower tiles of a brand can place them on their brand tile, increasing its value by $50 million.

Chance and Empire Cards

Chance and Empire cards are cards that can have a variety of effects, such as giving you money, allowing you to move to a different space, or making you swap brands with another player. Some cards are good for you, and some cards are bad for you.

When you land on a Chance or Empire space, you must draw the top card from the corresponding deck and follow its instructions. After you follow the instructions on the card, you place it at the bottom of the deck and turn over the next card. If the deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile and start a new deck.

Monopoly Empire Cards Rules

Empire cards are cards that can help you or hurt your opponents in Monopoly Empire. You should keep your Empire cards secret from other players. At the start of the game, each player gets two Empire cards. You can get more Empire cards by landing on one of the two spaces with a big M on the board.

Monopoly Empire Cards Rules
The Monopoly Empire Rules and Instructions 6

You can use your Monopoly Empire cards as the card says. For example, if a card says “play on your turn”, you can use it before or after you roll the dice or move your token. But you should use it after you roll the dice, so you can make a better decision.

Using an Empire card does not count as a turn. You can still roll the dice and move your token after you use an Empire card. You can also use more than one Empire card at the same time, if you want.

But be careful with some Empire cards, like the “Stock Market Crash” card. This card makes you and all other players take the top brand from your towers and put it back on the board. If your tower is taller than the others, this card will hurt you more than them.

Winning the Game

The game ends when a player fills their entire tower with brand tiles and tower tiles. The player who does this first is declared the winner. If more than one player fills their tower on the same turn, the player with the most money is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player with the most valuable brand is the winner.

How To Play Monopoly Empire

Here are the steps to play Monopoly Empire from beginning to end of game or next round of game:

  • To play the game, each player chooses a token and places it on the “Go” space on the game board. The banker gives each player $50 in money, and the rest of the money is placed in the bank. Each player is given a set of 5 or 6 brand tiles, depending on the number of players.
  • The brand tiles are shuffled and placed face down on the table. Each player draws one brand tile and places it in the lowest slot of their tower. The youngest player goes first and rolls the dice.
  • On your turn, you roll the dice and move your token the corresponding number of spaces. The player then follows the instructions on the space they landed on. This could include collecting money from the bank, paying rent to another player, drawing a Chance or Empire card, or buying a brand.
  • If you land on an unowned brand, you have the option to buy it from the bank. The cost of the brand is listed on the space, and if you choose to buy it, you must pay the bank the listed amount and receive the brand tile. You then place the brand tile in the next available slot of your tower, starting from the bottom.
  • If you choose not to buy the brand, or if you can’t afford to buy it, the brand goes up for auction and any player can bid on it. The highest bidder wins the brand and pays the bank the amount they bid. If no one bids on the brand, it remains unowned.
  • If you land on a brand owned by another player, you must pay them rent. The amount of rent is the same as the value of the brand, which is shown on the brand tile and the cash meter of the tower. The value of the brand can increase if the owner has multiple tiles of the same brand, or if they have tower tiles of the same brand.
  • If you land on a tower space, you draw a tower tile from the pile. The tower tile shows the name, logo, and value of a brand. If you already own a brand tile of the same brand, you can place the tower tile on top of it, increasing its value by $50 million. If you don’t own a brand tile of the same brand, you can keep the tower tile for later use, or trade it with another player.
  • If you land on a Chance or Empire space, you draw the top card from the corresponding deck and follow its instructions. These cards can have a variety of effects, such as giving you money, allowing you to move to a different space, or making you swap brands with another player.
  • Some cards are good for you, and some cards are bad for you. After you follow the instructions on the card, you place it at the bottom of the deck and turn over the next card. If the deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile and start a new deck.
  • If you land on the “Go to Jail” space, or if you roll three doubles in a row, you must go to jail. You move your token to the jail space and stay there until you roll a double or pay $5 to get out. You can try to roll a double once per turn, and if you succeed, you move out of jail and the number of spaces shown on the dice.
  • If you fail, you can either pay $5 to get out or stay in jail until your next turn. While in jail, you can still collect rent from your brands, and you can still use cards to move out of jail. However, you can’t buy or sell brands, or trade with other players.
  • If you land on or pass the “Go” space, you collect money from the bank. The amount of money you collect depends on the value of your brands, which is shown on the cash meter of your tower. The more brands you have, the more money you collect.
  • The game ends when a player fills their entire tower with brand tiles and tower tiles. The player who does this first is declared the winner. If more than one player fills their tower on the same turn, the player with the most money is the winner. If there is still a tie, the player with the most valuable brand is the winner.


Monopoly Empire is a board game that is based on the classic Monopoly game, but with a modern twist. In this game, players compete to buy and collect the world’s top brands instead of properties. The winner is the person who fills their entire tower with brands first! You can also visit Monopoly Mega Edition, Mario Monopoly Editions, Harry Potter Monopoly, Final Girl Board Game etc.


How much money do you start with in Monopoly Empire?

In monopolu empire each player starts with $50 in Monopoly money, consisting of two $20 bills and one $10 bill.

How much money do you get in Monopoly Empire?

Each time you pass or land on the Go space, you get money from the bank. The amount of money you get depends on the value of your brands, which is shown on the cash meter of your tower. The more brands you have, the more money you get.

What are the tower pieces in Monopoly Empire?

Tower pieces are special pieces that represent the iconic buildings of the brands featured in the game. Tower pieces are earned by landing on a Tower space on the game board or by collecting certain Empire cards. The first player to collect all four tower pieces of a brand can place them on their brand tile, increasing its value by $50 million.

How can I play Monopoly Empire online?

There are a few ways you can play Monopoly Empire online. One option is to download the official Monopoly app from the App Store, which allows you to play various versions of Monopoly, including Monopoly Empire, with online and offline modes. You can also play Monopoly Empire on your browser by visiting the website of Online Toys Australia, which offers a free online version of the game.

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