Laugh Out Loud Game is an engaging and hilarious party game designed to test your ability to keep a straight face while facing cheesy jokes, tricky truths, and hilarious dares. The game is suitable for 3–6 players aged 12 and up and is part of the Buzzer Battle Collection by Professor Puzzle.

In this game, players have to make jokes, do dares, and tell stories while trying not to look silly. Each player takes turns drawing prompt cards and must either tell jokes, answer juicy questions, or perform dares without laughing. The catch is to avoid laughing during the gameplay. If a player laughs during their turn, other players can buzz them out of the game using the buzzer. The player who can maintain their poker face for the longest time wins the round.
The game includes 120 prompt cards, 50 “LOL” tokens, a buzzer, dice, a sand timer, and batteries. The prompt cards contain various challenges, jokes, and dares, providing a wide variety of entertainment for the players.
Laugh Out Loud Game Rules
To play the game, get a group of people you want to play with them, You can play with two people or with a larger group. Now, explain the rules of the game to everyone (explained below), in which the main rule is that no one is allowed to use words or touch anyone else. The goal is to make others laugh through actions, expressions, and motions only.
One Joker at a Time
To play the game, select one person as the “joker” or the person trying to make others laugh. Only the Joker will be actively trying to make people laugh at a given time, and all other players try to maintain a straight face.
No Physical Contact
While playing the game, all participants may avoid physical contact with others while trying to make them laugh. This includes touching, tickling, or any form of physical interaction.
Maintain Respect
While the game is all about laughter and fun, it’s essential to emphasize respect. Encourage participants to avoid actions that may be offensive or hurtful to others. Anything that crosses the line into harassment or aggression should be strictly forbidden.
Keep It Light-Hearted
All throughout the game, participants must remember that the Laugh Out Loud game is meant to be light-hearted and fun. During the play, it encourages creativity and silliness but discourages anything that could be harmful, offensive, or overly competitive.
Avoid Dangerous Actions
In this game, do not try to perform any dangerous or harmful action that other members may find discouraging, as safety should always be a top priority. Stress that no dangerous or potentially harmful actions should be taken to make others laugh.
How to Play the Laugh Out Loud Game
The Laugh Out Loud game involves taking turns telling jokes, doing dares, and spinning cringe-worthy stories while your opponents try to buzz you out of the game. The game includes 120 prompt cards, 50 “LOL” tokens, a buzzer, dice, a sand timer, and batteries.
To play Professor Puzzle’s “Laugh Out Loud” game, gather 3 to 6 players, or more if you’d like. On each person’s turn, the player takes turns drawing prompt cards and must tell jokes, answer juicy questions, and perform dares without laughing. And, all other participants’ goal is to maintain a straight face throughout the game, and if someone does not, he may take cards and play the next turn as a joker.
The game involves taking turns being the “joker” or the person trying to make others laugh. The joker pulls a card or prompt and has a limited time, usually 30 seconds, to perform the action or tell the joke and make everyone else laugh. If a player laughs during their turn, the other players can buzz them out of the game using the buzzer.
The gameplay consists of sharing funny jokes or stories, responding to intriguing or embarrassing questions, and attempting silly or cringe-worthy actions while trying not to laugh. The player who can maintain their poker face for the longest time wins the round. The player with the most “LOL” tokens at the end of the game wins.
To play successively in this game, players should stay focused and hold back their laughter. They should try to coax their opponents into laughing while avoiding it themselves. Being creative with jokes and dares to keep everyone entertained, as Professor Puzzle’s “Laugh Out Loud” is a buzz-worthy party game that guarantees laughter and fun for the whole family.
To ensure a positive experience in this game, it’s important to maintain respect and avoid actions that may be violative or hurtful to others. The game is meant to be light-hearted and fun, so advance creativity and silliness while discouraging anything that could be harmful, offensive, or overly competitive. Lastly, stress that neither dangerous nor potentially harmful actions should be taken to make others laugh, and safety should always be a top priority.
In the Laugh Out Loud game, you tell jokes, do dares, and tell funny stories while your opponents try to stop you from playing. The game has 120 prompt cards, 50 LOL tokens, a buzzer, dice, a sand timer, and a set of batteries.
How many people can play?
You can play with 3–6 players. It’s more fun with a group!
What happens if someone laughs?
If you laugh, you lose one of your LOL tokens and give it to the Joker.
How long does the Joker have to make others laugh?
The Joker has 30 seconds to crack everyone up.
Can we touch each other to make someone laugh?
Nope, no touching is allowed. You have to rely on your jokes and dares.
What kinds of cards are there?
There are three types: Jokes, Truths, and Dares.
How do you win?
The last person with LOL tokens left is the winner.
What if a card seems unsafe or inappropriate?
Just skip it and draw a new one. Safety and fun are the priorities.
Can we make our own cards?
Absolutely! Making your own cards can add a personal touch to the game.
What if there’s a tie at the end?
If there’s a tie, have a laugh-off. The tied players take turns being the Joker until someone laughs.
How do we decide who goes first?
You can roll a dice, pick the youngest player, or use any fair method to choose the first Joker.
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