Sweep, also known as Seep, is a classic card game that originated in India and is popular in South Asian countries such as India and Pakistan. The aim of the game is to eliminate all 19 of your cards in a single round and achieve the lowest cumulative score at the end. Players can decide the duration of the game, either by playing until one player reaches 500 points or setting a pre-determined time limit. The player with the lowest total score in Sweep wins.
Sweep the Card Game
The game is played with a standard 52-card deck and does not include any joker cards. This game requires four participants, forming two pairs, with each pair consisting of two players sitting face-to-face. The cards are divided among the players, with each player receiving 19 cards from the shuffled pile, which they keep face down.
The Rules for the Sweep Card Game
The game begins with players taking turns counterclockwise, both for the gameplay and the deals. The goal of the game is to gather cards from a layout present on the table or floor. The game concludes with a team scoring at least 100 or more points than their opponent. Players need to select cards strategically and employ both skill and chance to outmaneuver their opponents and achieve the lowest score possible by the end of the game. You can watch this video for further clarification.
How to Play Sweep
The Sweep card game, also known as Seep, is a classic Indian card game played in India, Pakistan, and other South Asian countries. Sweep combines strategy and chance, making it engaging for two to four players.
To set up the game, you need to mix all the cards from 3 decks, preferably of different colors. Each player then selects 19 cards from the pile and keeps them face down. After that, players select a card from the unused pile to determine who goes first. The remaining 11 cards are set up in numerical order.
The starting player can play from their hand or from the face-up cards in front of them (or both). The 52 cards played must all be of the same denomination, for example, 2 Kings from the hand and 1 King showing face up. The second player must play a card(s) of the same value or any value lower. If a player plays a higher card than the previous player, they must pick up the pile, and their turn ends.
The objective is to be the first to get rid of all 19 of your cards for each round and to have the lowest total score at the end of the game. Aces count as 1 point, face cards (Kings, Queens, and Jacks) are 10 points each, and all other cards count at face value. Tens and Jokers are Swoop cards and are worth 50 points each. The player with the lowest total score wins.
The game concludes with a team scoring at least 100 or more points than their opponent. After pulling out all the cards from the layout and emptying the entire table, participants can also score points from the card sweep. This type of card game typically carries 50 points; however, if they reveal the cards in the initial round, it only carries 25 scores. Furthermore, you won’t get any points for the sweep you scored in the previous phase.