Party Games

If the player decides truth he must answers the requested/asked question with truthfully and if decides to choose dare, he/she or player must perform the desired/asked action (action will be the player who is asking question, he decides what action the layer will do/perform e.g do a silly dance)

Truth or Dare Game

Truth or Dare Game is a classical party game that has been played by three or five persons. To start the game, players sit in a circle and select one person to spin the bottle. Select one player to asks another player to choose between taking a truth or a dare. If he/she choose truth, […]

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Intoxicated Drinking Game

Intoxicated Drinking Game Rules and Cards

Intoxicated Drinking Game is an enjoyable drinking card game specially designed for adults. It is perfect for parties and social gatherings. This game offers a sense of humor with daring challenges, ensuring an unforgettable experience for all players. Participants must drink every time certain cards are played, adding an interesting twist to the game. Game

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Nerdier Red Flags

Nerdy/Nerdier Red Flags Rules and Cards

Nerdier Red Flags is an expansion pack for the popular card game Red Flags, designed for nerdy people. The expansion pack adds 75 nerdy references to the game’s dating prospects, making it perfect for parties and adult game nights. Nerdy Red Flags vs Nerdier Red Flags “Nerdy Red Flags” is an expansion of the adult

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Red Flags Game

The Red Flags Game Rules and Cards

Red Flags is a hilarious party card game where players act as matchmakers, trying to set up the “Single” with the best possible date using “Perk” cards. However, the fun twist comes when everyone else tries to sabotage these perfect dates by adding awful “Red Flags” The goal is to convince the Single to choose

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The Festive Red Flags Rules and Cards

The Festive Red Flags Rules and Cards

Festive Red Flags is a holiday-themed expansion deck for the adult party game Red Flags: The Game of Terrible Dates that adds 75 new cards (holiday-themed perks and red flags) to the game. The expansion includes both perks and red flags to help players get into the holiday party mood. The expansion pack can be added

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