Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is a card game for families and groups of two to eight players where each player takes turns flipping their cards face-up while saying one of the words from the phrase. The Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza card game has special action cards that require players to perform certain actions before slapping the deck. The three special action cards are the gorilla, narwhal, and groundhog.
The goal is to match the spoken word with the card that is flipped and when there’s a match, all players race to slap their hands on top of the central pile of cards. The last person to do so must take all the cards in the pile. The game continues this way until one player removes all their cards.

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Cards
The Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza card game comprises 64 cards and two instruction cards. The game also includes different types of cards with different roles, for instance, the stack cards allow the player with their hand on the top of the stack to take the entire stack. Additionally, the Easter Edition of the game comes with new actions for the gorilla, groundhog, and narwhal, as well as new Easter egg cards.
When a player plays any of these cards, players must complete a special action before slapping the card. For instance, when the card is the gorilla, players must beat their chest with both hands and then slap the card. It is also necessary to say the correct word in the sequence when flipping over any of these special action cards.
-->Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Rules

Get rid of all your cards and be the first to slap your hand on the central pile of cards when there is a match or a special card appears.
Shuffle and distribute the cards evenly amongst players, face down, and for a 2 to 5 players game, each player is dealt 12 cards. Extra cards are returned to the box. Players do not look at their cards and place them in a pile in front of them, face down in their individual pile.
The dealer is the first player in the first round and the game is played in successive rounds. The first player takes the first card from their pile and places it face up in the center of the table, saying “Taco”. The game is played in clockwise turns, with the next player placing their card face up on top of the previous card, saying “Cat”.
Play continues in this way, with the words “Taco”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cheese”, “Pizza”, “Taco”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cheese”, “Pizza”… being said in order until the card that has just been put down matches the word spoken. For example: a player puts down a Pizza card while saying “Pizza”.
At this point, all the players must slap their hands on top of the central pile as quickly as possible. The last player to slap takes the entire central pile and puts the cards face down at the bottom of their pile. This player becomes the first player for the next round.
Special Cards:
If a reversed Flip Side card is played and the matching word is said, players must slap the back of their hand on the central pile. If a Flip Side special card is played, players must do the special action for that card before slapping the back of their hand on the central pile.
If one or more players use the wrong side of their hand, the first player who made the mistake (the player with their hand underneath other players’ hands) loses the round and must take all the cards from the central pile and put them at the bottom of their pile.
If a player gets rid of all their cards, they must keep saying “Taco, Cat, Goat, etc…” on their turn and be the first player to slap their hand on the central pile when there is a match or special card to win. If they do not slap the central pile first, then a new round begins and they keep playing until they manage to slap the pile first.
How To Play Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
- The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards.
- The dealer shuffles the deck and deals 12 cards face down to each player. If there are more than 5 players, the dealer can deal the deck evenly.
- The player to the dealer’s left flips the top card of their deck face up and puts it in the center of the pile.
- Players take turns saying the words “taco-cat-goat-cheese-pizza” in that order while flipping the top card of the deck and placing it face up in the center of the table.
- If the word matches the card played, everyone slaps their hands on the card. If the word doesn’t match, the next player begins their turn.
- When the spoken word matches the card being flipped, everyone slaps their hand on the deck. The last player to do so takes the entire pile and puts it at the bottom of their hand.
- There are special cards in the deck that can be revealed during play. For example, if you play out for “goat” while saying “taco cat”, you play the gorilla card.
- Everyone needs to beat their chest, and then try to be the first to slap on the card. The last player to slap collects the cards and puts them at the bottom of their pile.
- If a player slaps incorrectly or flinches, they forfeit the round and pick up all the cards in the center, keep a steady, fast rhythm to the game and the first player to run out of cards wins.
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