Monopoly Mega Edition is a board game that is based on the classic Monopoly game, but with some changes that make it more fun and faster to play. The game board is 30% bigger than the regular Monopoly board, and it has 12 new spaces, including 8 new properties, a third utility, and 3 new actions.
The game also has new features, such as $/£1,000 bills, skyscrapers, depots, bus tickets, and a speed die. The game is designed for 2 to 8 players, and it takes about 1 to 2 hours to play.
The Mega Monopoly Edition Game

The Board
The Monopoly Mega Edition board is 50% larger than the classic board, making it the biggest Monopoly board ever released. It features 12 new spaces, including 9 new properties, 3 new utilities, and a bus ticket space. The board also has a new color scheme, with properties grouped by color rather than by location.
The Money
The Mega Edition also comes with a larger amount of money, with each player starting with $2500 instead of the usual $1500. The denominations of the bills are also different, with $1000, $500, $100, $50, $20, $10, and $5 bills.
-->The Dice
In addition to the traditional two six-sided dice, the Mega Edition also includes a third “speed” die. This die has numbers 1, 2, and 3 on it, as well as two “bus” symbols. The speed die is used to determine how many spaces a player can move, and the bus symbols allow players to take a bus to any space on the board.
Monopoly Mega Rules
The setup of the Mega Edition is similar to the classic Monopoly game. Each player chooses a token and places it on the “GO” space. The properties are shuffled and placed face down on their corresponding spaces on the board. The Chance and Community Chest cards are also shuffled and placed face down on their designated spaces.
Each player starts with $2500 and the banker holds the remaining money. The speed die is placed next to the board, and the bus tickets are placed in a pile next to the board.
How to Play Monopoly Mega Edition

Setting Up the Game
To set up the game, you need the following components:
- A quad-fold game board with 52 spaces
- 32 houses, 12 hotels, 8 skyscrapers, and 4 depots in four colors
- 10 tokens in different shapes
- 37 title deeds for the properties
- 16 Chance and Community Chest cards each
- 16 Bus Ticket cards
- 2 white dice and 1 speed die
- A money tray with /£1,/£1,/£5, /£10,/£10,/£20, /£50,/£50,/£100, and $/£1,000 bills
- An instruction booklet
First, place the game board on a flat surface and shuffle the Chance, Community Chest, and Bus Ticket cards. Place them face down on their designated spaces on the board. Turn over the top card of each deck to start the game. Each player chooses a token and places it on the GO space. The remaining money is placed in the bank.
Roll only the two white dice to determine the playing order. The player with the highest roll goes first, and the play proceeds clockwise. Roll all three dice: the two white dice and the speed die. The speed die has three different symbols: a bus, a Mr. Monopoly, and a blank. Depending on what you roll, you have to do one of the following actions:
- Move Normally: If you roll pips (dots) on all three dice, or a blank on the speed die, simply move the total of all three dice. If you roll doubles (the same number on both white dice), you get to roll again. If you roll doubles three times in a row, you must go to jail.
- Move with a Bonus: If you roll a Mr. Monopoly on the speed die, you get a bonus move. First, move according to the white dice, and do what you would normally do on that space. Then, move again to the next unowned property, which you may now buy.
- If all of the properties are owned, move to the first property on which you need to pay rent. If all other players’ properties are mortgaged, stay where you are. Note: An opponent can’t build or trade until your Mr. Monopoly move is completed.
- Move with a Choice: If you roll a bus on the speed die, you get a choice. First, move according to the white dice, and do what you would normally do on that space.
- Then, decide to either take a bus ticket for later use (usually a good idea if any tickets are left in the deck) or move again to the nearest Chance or Community Chest space in front of your token.
Buying Properties If you land on an unowned property, you have the option to buy it from the bank. The cost of the property is listed on the space, and if you choose to buy it, you must pay the bank the listed amount and receive the property’s title deed. Place your token on the property to show that you own it.
If you choose not to buy the property, or if you can’t afford to buy it, the property goes up for auction. The bidding starts at $/£1, and each player can bid any amount they want, as long as they have enough money. The player who lands on the property can also join the bidding. The highest bidder wins the property and pays the bank the bid amount.
Rent and Upgrades If you land on a property owned by another player, you must pay them rent. The amount of rent is listed on the property’s title deed, and it depends on whether the property is part of a color group, and whether it has any houses, hotels, skyscrapers, or depots on it.
You can build houses, hotels, skyscrapers, and depots on your properties once you own all but one property in a color group. For example, if you own three out of four properties in a color group, you can start building on them. The cost of each house, hotel, skyscraper, or depot is listed on the property’s title deed, and you must pay the bank the listed amount to build them.
You can build up to four houses on each property, and then upgrade to a hotel. You can then upgrade the hotel to a skyscraper, which increases the rent significantly. You can also build a depot on any railroad that you own, which doubles the rent of all railroads that you own.
You must follow the even building rule, which means that you must build or sell houses, hotels, skyscrapers, and depots evenly across your properties. For example, you can’t build a second house on one property until you have built one house on each property in the color group.
You can sell houses, hotels, skyscrapers, and depots back to the bank for half their value, if you need money or if you want to downgrade your properties. You can also mortgage your properties to the bank for the amount shown on the back of the title deed. You can’t collect rent from mortgaged properties, and you must pay 10% interest to unmortgage them.
Question Block and Warp Pipe Cards
When you land on a Question Block or Warp Pipe space, you must draw the top card from the corresponding deck and follow its instructions. These cards can have a variety of effects, such as giving you money, allowing you to move to a different space, or making you pay another player. Some cards are good for you, and some cards are bad for you.
After you follow the instructions on the card, you place it at the bottom of the deck and turn over the next card. If the deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile and start a new deck.
Free Parking
In the original Monopoly, landing on the “Free Parking” space does not have any special rules. However, in the Monopoly Mega Edition, landing on this space allows you to collect 10 coins from the bank. This is a good space to land on, especially if you are low on money.
Go to Jail
If you land on the “Go To Jail” space, or if you roll doubles three times in a row, you must go to jail. You move your token to the jail space and stay there until you roll a 6 or pay.
While in jail, you can still collect rent from your properties, and you can still use bus tickets or cards to move out of jail. However, you can’t buy or sell properties, houses, hotels, skyscrapers, or depots, or trade with other players.
Bus Tickets
Bus tickets are special cards that you can use to move your token to a different space on the board. You can get bus tickets by landing on the bus ticket space, or by drawing certain cards. You can use a bus ticket on your turn, instead of rolling the dice, or after rolling the dice, instead of moving the number of spaces shown on the dice.
Each bus ticket has a different effect, such as moving to any space on the board, moving to any railroad or utility, or moving to the nearest unowned property. You can only use one bus ticket per turn, and you must follow the instructions on the ticket. You can’t use a bus ticket to get out of jail, or to move to a space that is not on the board.
You can keep bus tickets until you want to use them, or you can trade them with other players. However, you can’t sell them to the bank or to other players for money.
Speed Die
On a player’s turn, they roll all three dice. The two regular dice are added together to determine how many spaces the player can move. The speed die is then rolled, and the number shown is added to the total. If a player rolls a bus symbol, they can choose to take a bus to any space on the board, regardless of the total rolled on the other two dice.
New Properties
The Mega Edition features 9 new properties, including 4 new railroads and 3 new utilities. These properties are grouped by color rather than by location, and they have higher rent prices than the classic properties.
In the Mega Edition, players can build up to 12 houses and 12 hotels on each property. This allows for more competition and higher rent prices.
Speed Die Bonus
If a player rolls a double on the regular dice and a “Mr. Monopoly” symbol on the speed die, they can take a bonus turn after their current turn is over.
Free Parking
In the Mega Edition, landing on the Free Parking space does not earn the player any money. Instead, the player can choose to take a bus to any space on the board, or they can draw a Chance or Community Chest card.
Winning the Game
The game ends when all but one player has gone bankrupt. A player goes bankrupt when they owe more money than they have or can raise by selling or mortgaging their properties. When a player goes bankrupt, they must give all of their money, properties, houses, hotels
How is Monopoly Mega Edition different from the original Monopoly?
Monopoly Mega Edition has a bigger board, more properties, more money, more buildings, more cards, and more dice than the original Monopoly. These changes make the game more exciting, dynamic, and competitive, as players can buy more properties, collect more rent, and use more strategies to win the game.
What are the new spaces on the board?
- The new spaces on the board are:
- Skyscraper Bonus: If you land on this space, you collect $/£100 from the bank for each skyscraper you own.
- Bus Ticket: If you land on this space, you draw a bus ticket card, which you can use to move to a different space on the board.
- Birthday Gift: If you land on this space, you collect $/£100 from each player as a birthday gift.
- Auction: If you land on this space, you must auction one of your properties to the highest bidder. You can choose which property to auction, but you can’t auction a property that has any buildings on it.
- Subway: If you land on this space, you can move to any other subway space on the board.
- Stock Exchange: If you land on this space, you can buy or sell stocks, which are shares of ownership in a property. You can buy or sell up to 5 stocks per turn, and the price of each stock is 10% of the property’s value. Stocks can increase or decrease your income, depending on the rent of the property.
- Gas Company: This is a new utility that you can buy or rent. The rent is 10 times the amount shown on the dice if one utility is owned, or 20 times if both utilities are owned.
- Sewage System: This is another new utility that you can buy or rent. The rent is the same as the Gas Company.
What are the new features in mega edition of monopoly?
- The new features in the game are:
- $/£1,000 Bills: These are the highest denomination of money in the game, and they can help you buy more expensive properties and buildings, or pay off your debts faster.
- Skyscrapers: These are the highest level of buildings in the game, and they can increase the rent of your properties significantly. You can build a skyscraper on a property once you have a hotel on it, and you own all of the properties in the color group.
- The cost of a skyscraper is the same as the cost of a hotel, and the rent is the hotel rent plus the skyscraper bonus, which is listed on the property’s title deed.
- Depots: These are special buildings that you can build on any railroad that you own. A depot doubles the rent of all railroads that you own, and it costs $/£100 to build. You can only build one depot per railroad, and you can’t build a depot if you don’t own all four railroads.
- Bus Tickets: These are special cards that you can use to move your token to a different space on the board. You can get bus tickets by landing on the bus ticket space, or by drawing certain cards. You can use a bus ticket on your turn, instead of rolling the dice, or after rolling the dice, instead of moving the number of spaces shown on the dice.
- Each bus ticket has a different effect, such as moving to any space on the board, moving to any railroad or utility, or moving to the nearest unowned property. You can only use one bus ticket per turn, and you must follow the instructions on the ticket.
- You can’t use a bus ticket to get out of jail, or to move to a space that is not on the board. You can keep bus tickets until you want to use them, or you can trade them with other players. However, you can’t sell them to the bank or to other players for money.
- Speed Die: This is a special die that you roll along with the two white dice. The speed die has three different symbols: a bus, a Mr. Monopoly, and a blank. Depending on what you roll, you get a different effect. If you roll a blank, you move normally.
- If you roll a Mr. Monopoly, you get a bonus move. If you roll a bus, you get a choice. The speed die makes the game faster and more fun, as you can move more spaces, buy more properties, or pay more rent. You start using the speed die once the first player goes bankrupt.
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