Final Girl is a solitaire horror board game where you play as the last survivor of a horror movie. You will face different scenarios, choices, and enemies, each inspired by a classic horror film. You will use dice, cards, and chips to move, search, and fight to victory. Final Girl Board Game is a highly thematic, immersive, and variable game that will challenge and entertain you.
What is Final Girl Board Game?
Final Girl Board Game is a solo game that lets you star in your own horror movie. You play as the final girl, the last survivor who must face the killer and escape. The game bases itself on a popular horror movie theme. This theme portrays the final girl as the smartest, bravest, and most resourceful character. You can visit it on
Final Girl Rules And Instructions

The game has two components: the Core Box and the Feature Film Boxes. The Core Box contains the essential components that you need to play the game, such as:
- A game board that shows the location of the horror movie
- A final girl pawn and a killer pawn that move on the board
- A terror deck that contains cards that trigger events and actions
- A last girl deck that has cards that help you survive and fight
- A killer deck that has cards that make the killer stronger and more dangerous
- A stress track that measures your mental state and affects your actions
- A health track that measures your physical condition and affects your survival
- A time track that measures the duration of the movie and affects the outcome
- A dice set that determines the results of your actions
- A rulebook that explains how to play the game
The Feature Film Boxes contain the specific components that make each horror movie unique, such as:
-->- A killer card that shows the name, image, and abilities of the killer
- A location card that displays the expression, image, and features of the location
- A final girl card that shows the name, image, and traits of the final girl
- A terror card set that contains cards that are specific to the killer and the location
- A scenario card that shows the setup, objective, and special rules of the movie
You need one Core Box and Feature Film Box to play the game. The more Feature Film Boxes you have, the more killer/location combinations you can experience.
To set up the game, follow these steps:
- Choose a Feature Film Box that you want to play. Each box has a different theme, difficulty, and length.
- Take out the killer card, the location card, the final girl card, the terror card set, and the scenario card from the box.
- Put the game board on a flat surface. Put the killer and final girl pawn on their starting spaces, as shown on the scenario card.
- Shuffle the terror card set and place it face down on the terror deck space on the board.
- Take the final girl deck and the killer deck from the Core Box and place them face down on their respective spaces on the board.
- Set the stress track, the health track, and the time track to their starting values, as shown on the scenario card.
- Place the dice set and the rulebook near the board.
- Read the scenario card and the rulebook to learn the game’s objective and rules.

Final Girl Board Game Rules
- The game is played in rounds, each consisting of three phases: the terror phase, the final girl phase, and the killer phase.
- In the terror phase, you draw and resolve a terror card from the deck. The terror card may trigger an event, an action, or a choice that affects the game state.
- In the final girl phase, you roll the dice and use them to perform actions like moving, searching, fighting, or using items. You can also use last girl cards to help you with your actions. It would be best if you manage your stress and health levels, as they affect your dice and actions.
- In the killer phase, you draw and resolve a killer card from the killer deck. The killer card may make the killer move, attack, or activate a unique ability. You have to avoid or confront the killer, as he can harm or kill you.
- The game ends when you or the killer die or the time track reaches zero. The outcome of the game depends on the scenario and your actions.
How To Play Final Girl Board Game
The game is played in rounds, each consisting of three phases: the terror phase, the final girl phase, and the killer phase. Here is a brief overview of how to play each step:
- Terror Phase: In this phase, you draw and resolve a terror card from the terror deck. The terror card may trigger an event, an action, or a choice that affects the game state. The terror card can bring a victim, weapon, or clue to the board. It can also make you roll a die and face a consequence.Â
- You must follow the instructions on the terror card and resolve its effects. Some terror cards are specific to the killer and the location and may have different symbols and rules. You can refer to the rulebook for more details on resolving terror cards.
- Final Girl Phase: In this phase, you roll the dice and use them to perform actions, such as moving, searching, fighting, or using items. You can also use final girl cards to help you with your actions. It would be best to manage your stress and health levels, as they affect your dice and actions. Here are some of the actions you can take:
- Move: Following the footprints, you can move your pawn to two spaces on the board. You can move through other pawns but not through walls or doors. You can also move through windows but must roll a die and take stress or health damage.
- Search: You can search a space that has a search icon on it, such as a cabinet, a drawer, or a closet. You have to roll a die and compare it to the search value on the space. If you roll equal or higher, you can draw a final girl card and add it to your hand. If you move lower, you fail and take stress damage.
- Fight: You can fight the killer if he is in the same space as you. You have to roll a die and compare it to the fight value on the killer card. If you roll equal or higher, you damage the killer and reduce his health level. If you roll lower, you fail and take health damage. Use weapons or final girl cards to improve your fight roll or deal more damage.
- Use Item: You can use an item in your hand, such as a flashlight, a phone, or a medkit. You have to discard the item card and follow its instructions. Some items may help you move, search, fight, or heal.
- You can perform any number of actions in any order if you have enough dice. Depending on your stress and health levels, you start with four dice but may lose or gain dice. You can also use final girl cards to modify your dice or actions. Refer to the rulebook for details on performing activities and using final girl cards.
- Killer Phase: In this phase, you draw and resolve a killer card from the killer deck. The killer card may make the killer move, attack, or activate a special ability. You have to avoid or confront the killer, as he can harm or kill you. Here are some of the things the killer can do:
- Move: The killer card may show a movement icon, such as a footprint, a door, or a window. This means the killer moves towards the nearest pawn, following the icon. For example, if the killer card shows a footprint, the killer moves one space along the impression. If the killer card shows a door, the killer moves through the nearest exit.
- If the killer card shows a window, the killer moves through the nearest window. The killer can move through walls and doors but not through other pawns. The killer can also move through windows, but he has to roll a die and take health damage.
- Attack: The killer card may show an attack icon, such as a knife, a chainsaw, or a hook. This means the killer attacks the nearest pawn using the icon. For example, if the killer card shows a knife, the killer attacks with a knife. If the killer card shows a chainsaw, the killer attacks with a chainsaw. If the killer card shows a hook, the killer attacks with a theme.
- The killer has to roll a die and compare it to the attack value on the killer card. If he rolls equal or higher, he damages the pawn and reduces its health level. If he rolls lower, he misses and deals no damage. The killer can also use special abilities or terror cards to improve his attack roll or deal more damage.
- Activate: The killer card may show an activated icon, such as a skull, a star, or lightning. This means the killer starts a unique ability using the icon. For example, if the killer card shows a crown, the killer activates his signature ability.
- If the killer card shows a star, the killer starts his terror ability. If the killer card shows lightning, the killer activates his frenzy ability. The killer has to follow the instructions on the killer card and resolve the effects of the power. Some capabilities may help the killer move, attack, or heal.
- You have to follow the instructions on the killer card and resolve the effects of the killer’s actions. Some killer cards are specific to the killer and the location and may have different symbols and rules. You can refer to the rulebook for more details on resolving killer cards.
To win the Final Girl Board Game, you need to defeat the final enemy, known as the tyrant, before the time runs out. The tyrant is a powerful and unique villain with special rules and abilities. You must use your dice, cards, and chips wisely to overcome the tyrant’s challenges and attacks. You must also make smart choices and manage your resources, such as health, loot, and bones. If you survive the night and eliminate the tyrant, you win the game and become the Final Girl.
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